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5 Signs of Low Testosterone That You Should Not Ignore

Posted On May 12, 2022
Written By Uptown Medical Wellness

[:en]Men, if your energy, libido, and mood levels aren’t what they used to be, low testosterone could be the main culprit behind the problem. There are many reasons testosterone levels decrease, such as age, obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. If you suspect and show any of the signs below, it might be time to start thinking about Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Decreased Libido

With time, men will start noticing their libido decreasing, and the most noticeable sign is the decline in their sex drive. TRT is designed to help you regain the energy and vitality your body once had. We can help you get your body back to proper testosterone levels with our incredible TRT service.

Extra Weight

Carrying extra fat can affect testosterone levels since fat cells eventually convert it into estrogen. The jury is still out on whether testosterone can be low because of weight or if they gain weight because of said low levels. Either way, eating well-balanced meals and exercising often will not only help you lose fat around your waist, but they can also improve your mood as well.

Ask us about how the DEXA Body Scan can help you on your weight loss journey.

Dysfunction in the Bedroom

Testosterone isn’t the only ingredient when aiding a man’s performance in the bedroom. Testosterone helps improve circulation and keeps erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems at bay. If you’re having problems performing like you used to, it doesn’t have to be that way. Go back to being your youthful and energetic self with TRT.

Extra Fatigue

If you’re finding it hard to stay motivated, find yourself exhausted by noon or if you crash on the couch after work, low testosterone could be the main reason for your fatigue. Most attribute some of these hormonal changes to what women go through during their menstrual periods, but men go through these types of changes as well. As the male body ages, testosterone production starts to diminish after the age of 30.

Sleep Problems

Do you find yourself tossing and turning more and more often during the night? Decreased testosterone in men can result in insomnia and is also associated with sleep apnea, a disorder that can lead to heart disease, and problems with memory and mood. The point here is that if you wake up feeling restless and tired, low testosterone could be the problem.

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