[:en]A table full of our favorite sweet and salty foods is no surprise at holiday family gatherings. Rather than rejecting the delicious offer, you can dig in and take a few bites. After all, you’ll look amazing while not having to worry about those few extra calories thanks to the Orbera Managed Weight Loss System.*
Orbera is the number one gastric weight loss balloon in the world and is designed to help you lose three times the amount of weight than with diet and exercise alone.* The balloon will remain in your stomach for up to six months, allowing your body to adapt to smaller food portions. If you begin today with Uptown Medical Wellness & Anti-Aging Center in McAllen, you can lose enough weight by the time the holidays come around!* Let’s go into more detail about this amazing service!
Having to fit in a workout regimen and strict diet can be tough for the average working person. This is especially true if you have a family to care for. It may appear doable to meal prep and go on a light jog, but remaining consistent is the hard part. The balloon and system promote portion control and healthier eating habits, helping you lose weight.* With Orbera, along with the support of a weight loss management system, you can reach your goal!*
Once the procedure is over, you won’t be left alone on your weight loss journey. Orbera offers coaching and support through the Orbera user-friendly app! This will help you receive additional support during the six months following your procedure. Not sure if you’re eligible? Our specialists will meet with you for a consultation prior to booking to see if you are. However, there are some mandatory requirements that need to be met:
Our specialist will begin the procedure by mildly sedating you prior to beginning. A flexible camera is then used to guide the uninflated balloon into the stomach. Once there, the balloon is filled with sterile saline solution and will then reach the size of a grapefruit. The point is take up a good portion of room in your stomach. The balloon is there to help train your body to adjust to smaller food portions. Once the balloon is deflated and removed after six months, your body should be accustomed to smaller food portions.*
Remember that Orbera is the number one weight loss balloon in the world and is recognized for its safety and effectiveness. So what are you waiting for? Visit or contact us today in McAllen to start to your weight loss journey!
*Results not guaranteed and vary from person-to-person.[:]