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Tips for Helping You Feel Healthy and Energetic

Posted On July 29, 2016
Written By Uptown Medical Wellness

Although summer will come to an end soon, most of us who are protective of our skin are still debating which level of SPF lotion to use. While this is one of many strategies to use in keeping your skin looking healthy, there are other tips you should take into account to not only help you look better, but feel better as well. It’s all about the mind, body and soul. Uptown Medical Wellness & Anti-Aging Center is here to give you a few pointers on how to keep your head clear and skin looking great!

Contact Uptown Medical Wellness & Anti-Aging Center for the latest services and products in the fight against anti-aging!

Get a Move On!

One of the best things to do in order to keep healthy is practicing some aerobic exercises. Try combining weight training with aerobics so your body can benefit with toned muscles, tight skin and a lean figure. On a mental note, as we age, our brain cells start to lose the tree-branch connections that hold them together. Exercising can stall mental decline through increased blood supply, nutrients and oxygen to the brain.

Exercising also helps in the fight against obesity, diabetes and heart disease, all of which plague a large portion of the Rio Grande Valley’s population. Taking nutrition into consideration is also equally important. Exercising while maintaining poor eating habits defeats the purpose. And we understand that dieting on your own can be difficult, but we can help! Our HCG Diet can help you trim some inches off of your waist, or if you’re in need of vitamins, consider our Metagenic vitamin supplies!

Feed Your Brain

One of the most important ways to help your body retain its health is through your diet. Antioxidants are great for the body, and eating foods that contain them will help fight off harmful radicals. Free radicals break down neurons in your brain, and many common foods are packed with antioxidants to prevent this. These include nuts, spices, beans, fruits and, of course, vegetables.

With a good nutritional plan and workout routine, you can fight off diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol. A solid and consistent workout routine will definitely sculpt your body into beauty, or you could ask for a consultation about our SculpSure treatment if you need a bit of help.

Do What You Can

Our brains start to slow down once we reach the age of 30. Until recently, it was believed that this couldn’t be avoided, but the health and science fields have now made it clear that this isn’t the case. Try one of thousands of activities that can excite and challenge your body and brain. Some include physical activities like jogging and sports. Mental activities come in more easygoing things like puzzles or learning a new language.

Take it Easy

Stop, breathe and relax. While keeping your body and brain active is important, being calm is just as smart. We understand that stress can take its toll on the mind, body and soul. There’s nothing more draining than working 8-10 hours a day only to come home to do chores and other things that need attention. Take some time to yourself. Nap when you can, read a book or go for a relaxing drive every once in a while to unwind. Stress can lead to graying hair and wrinkles, both of which make anyone look older than they really are. If stress has taken a toll on your appearance, know that we have plenty of services to help you out.

We Can Help You Look Great!

Looking healthy and younger is no easy feat. Know that by taking care of yourself, you’ll shed pounds and add a few years to your life. Contact Uptown Medical Wellness & Anti-Aging Center in McAllen to learn more about the many procedures we can offer to help you look great!

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