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Teeth Whitening in McAllen

Bring back the confidence behind your smile with Uptown Medical Wellness & Anti-Aging Center’s Professional Teeth Whitening service.
Brighten Your Smile

How Does Professional Teeth Whitening Work?

Throughout our lives, the foods and drinks we consume all have an impact on our teeth, and some of those foods and drinks can cause serious discoloration, turning teeth dull and yellowish.

Professional teeth whitening utilizes the power of UV light to brighten your smile and resolve discoloration. First, a brightening gel is applied to the teeth, then with the breakthrough technology of specially formulated light energy, we can transform your smile and achieve a brighter shade.

Why We Love Professional Teeth Whitening

Here at Uptown Medical Wellness & Anti-Aging Center, we love our professional teeth whitening procedure because of its many benefits, including:

  • Visibly brighter smile after just one visit
  • Boosted confidence
  • Smile more
  • Long-lasting results
  • Quick and easy
  • Cost-effective
  • Get more job opportunities

What Types of Discoloration Can Professional Teeth Whitening Resolve?

There are two primary types of discoloration that affect our teeth, intrinsic and extrinsic discoloration. Intrinsic staining is discoloration that is usually caused by a dental condition and leads to staining of the tooth’s structure. Extrinsic staining, on the other hand, is caused by outside forces like our diet, and the stains don’t extend past the tooth’s surface. Extrinsic stains can be relatively easy to remove with professional teeth whitening, but intrinsic staining may not be improved with this type of procedure.

What You Can Expect From Professional Teeth Whitening

During your teeth whitening procedure, you can expect to experience minimal discomfort and absolutely no pain. First, your clinician will apply a special whitening gel before providing the necessary safety equipment. This equipment will help prevent any negative side effects from the UV light used to achieve whitening. In general, you can expect your professional teeth whitening appointment to take between 30 minutes and an hour. You can drive yourself home after your appointment, but avoid staining foods and drinks as much as possible after the procedure to protect your results.

Ready to restore your glowing skin? Come see a clinician at Uptown Medical Wellness for high-quality Glytone skincare products.

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