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7 DEXA Scan Results and How They Can Help You Lose Weight

Posted On September 18, 2023
Written By Uptown Medical Wellness

[:en]When it comes to solving some problems, the information you have on hand can make a big difference. If you’re trying to lose weight, knowing more about the makeup of your body can help you create an effective plan to achieve your goals. 

One great way to get the insights you need is with a DEXA body scan. Keep reading to learn about the information you can get from your DEXA body scan and how those results can help you lose weight.

1. Body Fat Roadmap

To get you the information you need, the DEXA will carefully scan your entire body. One of the key bits of information the scan will give you is a body fat roadmap. This test result shows where your fat is located in your body. 

By learning where your fat is located, you can more effectively target those areas for weight loss.

2. Skeletal Muscle Mass

Next, your DEXA scan will tell you about your skeletal muscle mass. Your skeletal muscles are the tissue that connects to your bones and allows you to move. This tissue acts like a metabolic regulator, playing a major role in your body’s ability to lose weight.

Knowing your skeletal muscle mass can help you create a more effective plan for weight loss by giving you an idea of the caloric intake you need.

3. Body Mass Index (BMI)

Another figure you can get from your DEXA body scan is your body mass index (BMI). BMI is an estimate of your body’s size-to-fat ratio. However, it’s important to note that BMI has a hard time taking into account bodies with higher muscle mass and differing bone density. 

Still, your BMI can help you gauge your weight loss journey. 

4. Resting Metabolic Rate

One of the most illuminating bits of information you can get from your DEXA scan is your resting metabolic rate. Your resting metabolic rate is a measurement of how many calories your body burns while it’s completely at rest. 

Knowing your resting metabolic rate can help you determine how many calories your body actually needs and uses each day.

5. Bone Mineral Content (BMC)

Next, your DEXA scan will let you know your bone mineral content (BMC). BMC is a measurement of the density of your bones. For those undergoing weight loss, there is a risk that you could lose too much bone density. 

The DEXA scan can help you monitor your bone density to ensure your health is protected during your weight loss.

6. Body Fat Percentage

Body fat percentage is a measurement of how much fat is in your body relative to its total mass. In other words, this result tells you what percentage of your body is made up of fat. 

By measuring your body fat percentage, you can monitor your weight loss journey and determine whether or not you’re making headway in burning fat.

7. Total Visceral Adipose Tissue

Finally, your DEXA scan will tell you your total visceral adipose tissue levels. Adipose tissue is the fat found throughout your body. Having too much adipose tissue can be bad for you, but having too little body fat can also be a problem. 

Knowing your visceral adipose tissue levels can give you a better picture of your health and let you know your best path forward for weight loss.

Get Your DEXA Weight Loss Scan at Your McAllen Med Spa

Losing weight is never easy, but having more information about the weight that’s on your body can help you better plan your weight loss journey. Your DEXA scan results can help you monitor your health for problems, identify tricky fat, and determine the right caloric intake for your goals.

To get a roadmap for your weight loss journey, come see our clinicians here at Uptown med spa in McAllen.

Get the roadmap for your weight loss journey with a DEXA scan at Uptown Medical Wellness & Anti-Aging Center in McAllen.

Schedule Your Scan!


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